Salud en Español proporciona informes médicos basados en evidencia y hojas informativas en idioma español, con referencias que se pueden utilizar para buscar artículos.
Salud en Español provides medical evidence-based reports and fact sheets in the Spanish language, with references that can be used to search for articles.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Directly from H.W. Wilson's Book Review Digest, this archive includes over a million adult and juvenile fiction and nonfiction book review citations ranging from 1903 to 1982, with at least one review excerpt per book.
An archive index listing all levels of education literature, including peer-reviewed sources. It includes historical, societal, and economic subject headings as it relates to education.
A peer-reviewed publication from the NIRSA Foundation, providing sources of empirical, theoretical, and applied research to the recreational sports field.
Salud en Español proporciona informes médicos basados en evidencia y hojas informativas en idioma español, con referencias que se pueden utilizar para buscar artículos.
Salud en Español provides medical evidence-based reports and fact sheets in the Spanish language, with references that can be used to search for articles.