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Research Award: Home

Information about cash prize for research during the current academic year.

Library Research Award

Award for Excellence in Library-Based Research

The library presents two $125 cash prize awards annually at the Honors Convocation ceremony held each spring.  This award recognizes two students whose research and writing makes expert and creative use of the services, resources, and collections of the Hofheimer Library to produce a scholarly or creative work.  

One of the awards ($125.00) will be awarded to a freshman or sophomore and one award ($125.00) to a junior or senior.


Library Research Award Information

Award for Excellence in Library-Based Research

The library will be presenting two $125 cash prize awards at the Honors Convocation ceremony to be held May 2, 2025.  This award recognizes two students whose research and writing makes expert and creative use of the services, resources, and collections of the Hofheimer Library to produce a scholarly or creative work.  

One of the awards ($125.00) will be awarded to a freshman or sophomore and one award ($125.00) to a junior or senior.

This is an annual prize - students may apply now for work completed summer 2024 through spring 2025.

Award Endowment

This award has been funded by a generous endowment from the

Jim and Katheryn Driscoll Family.

2024 Library Research Award