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Business & Economics: FAQs

How do I quickly find a company's address and phone number?

Many resources can be used to find a company’s address and phone number, including most of those mentioned elsewhere in this guide. Use any resources that are convenient for you.

Company's Website: Look at the bottom of the home page for a company or in the section called About Us.

Internet Sites: Numerous Internet sites are useful for finding companies including Switchboard at, and Verizon's SuperPages at

What are the best resources for finding key facts or a quick profile on a company?

Yahoo Finance is one of the easiest websites to use for basic company info. Type in the name of the company or stock symbol; the links in the left column direct you to specific information. Does not require username or login.

Factiva and Mergent Online (library databases) provide basic and extensive company information as well as news about companies and industries.

(In Factiva, click on the Companies/Markets tab on the top line.In Mergent, search by company and then use the headings and subheadings tabs.)

I am on my way to a job interview. Where can I find a good summary of the company?

If it is a public company, go to the annual report to shareholders if available. The annual report is perhaps the best single source of information on a company, but keep in mind that it is written partially as a promotional tool by the company itself and is not an entirely unbiased source.

Factiva and Mergent Online (library databases) provide basic and extensive company information as well as news about companies and industries.

(In Factiva, click on the Companies/Markets tab on the top line.In Mergent, search by company and then use the headings and subheadings tabs; Business is listed under the Company Details page and provides information about company divisions.)

How do I find information on or a list of subsidiaries of a company?

Major subsidiaries are often included in sources listed above. Try them first. Look for a section Investor Information. If the parent corporation is publicly traded, try the parent's annual report. Some companies provide information specific to subsidiaries or divisions in their annual report. 

Factiva and Mergent Online (library databases) also provide company details about subsidiaries, divisions and mergers.

(In Factiva, click on the Companies/Markets tab on the top line.In Mergent, search by company and then use the headings and subheadings tabs; subsidiaries are listed under company details.)