Language and literature books at VWU are in the sections listed below:
GR - Folklore
P - Philology and Linguisitics
PA - Classical Language and Literature
PN - Literature (General)
PR - British Literature
PS - American Literature
Search AUTHOR with author's name (last name, first name) for books BY an author.
example: AUTHOR: Baldwin, James
Search SUBJECT with author's name (last name, first name) for books ABOUT an author,
exaample: SUBJECT: Baldwin, James
Finding chapters in books, also called book essays:
Essay and General Literature Index (EGLI) focuses on the humanities and social sciences and includes criticism of literary works, drama, and film.
EGLI cites essays and articles (chapters) contained in book collections of essays.
For additonal Ebook titles in literature, check out our Springer Ebook collection for Literature.