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Theatre: Articles and Reviews

Guide to resources in the performing arts


How to Search for Reviews

  1. In the Humanities International Complete database, scroll down the the Advanced Search Options.
  2. From the Document Type list, select Entertainment Review.
  3. In the search box at the top of the page, type in the name of the production using quotation marks around the title. Ex. "Death of a Salesman"
  4. If you would like to limit your results to a production by a particular director, try typing the director's name into the second search box (again using quotation marks to narrow your results).
  5. If you would like to exclude movie reviews of the title, click the downward arrow next to the word AND and select NOT.  Then in the box, type: film or movie or motion picture or cinema.  
  6. Click Search.

This search strategy also works in the Academic Search Complete database.


Writing for Theater

The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's handout Writing for Drama, has explanations of the kinds of writing you may be asked to do in this discipline.