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Library Room Use: Room Use Policies

Library Room Use

Use of library rooms shall be consistent with the educational mission of Virginia Wesleyan University and with the general nature of the Library. The following guidelines ensure that students will have a space conducive to research, learning and quiet study while protecting the materials, furnishings and equipment of the library.

General Room Use:

  1. Study Rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and require a reservation.
  2. Reservations must be made ahead of time to ensure availability of room.
  3. Faculty: please refer to  Library Classrooms for maximum room capacities.  
  4. Library rooms may be reserved for faculty meeting use and formal research studies by students.
  5. Requestors should identify the need for a particular room, the date and the time. If the room can be made available, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the requestor.

Contact the Head Librarian with requests or questions.

Stephen Leist, (757) 455-2131





Unattended Items

Personal items should not be left unattended. The library will report unattended backpacks and other bags to Campus Security who will pick up the items. Small items, such as notebooks, water bottles, etc. left unattended for more than 15 minutes will be placed in the library's Lost and Found at the Circulation Desk.

Pre COVID Room Use Policy

General Room Use:

  1. The library's food and drink policy is below. 
  2. Room users are expected to follow all library policies in regard to noise and general use of library spaces.
  3. Room temperature controls are established by the Physical Plant and cannot be adjusted by library staff.
  4. Abuse of these policy requirements may result in loss of room use privileges.
  5. Technology problems should be reported to computer services. ( or 757-524-5900)

Food & Drink Policy

The following guidelines ensure that students will have a space conducive to research, learning and quiet study while protecting the materials, furnishings and equipment of the library.

  • Food and non-alcoholic beverages are welcome in the main library; messy food (i.e., food that is greasy, sticky, or crumbly) should be eaten in the 24-hour study space.
  • Keep all food and drink away from keyboards, books, and other library materials.
  • Dispose of trash in trash cans and use available blue recycling bins. Dining hall dishes should be returned to the dining hall.
  • Group parties are not permitted in the library.
  • Food deliveries are not permitted and will be turned away.
  • The library has a “No Fault” policy.Please report spills immediately so we can ensure that damaged equipment, materials, furniture or carpeting is properly treated and cleaned or repaired.

The library reserves the right to enforce and/or amend these policies and to further limit food and drink in the library as needed to ensure the safety and protection of the students, staff, building, materials and facilities.

Thank you for your help and cooperation in making this policy a success.

Policy revision November 2012

Exceptions to any library policy should be discussed with the Head Librarian or appropriate designee.