JSTOR has a relatively new service called "Register & Read". This service may be used to access JSTOR content that is not included in our JSTOR collections.
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Step 2: Search Select an article in your search results, and click Read Online Free above the preview page.
Step 3: Add to Shelf. Add the article to your “reading shelf” to read the full text.
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If you have any questions, please contact a librarian.
Google Scholar lists journal articles, books and other scholarly resources in a wide variety of subjects. Links to the VWU library's holdings are included.
To determine if the library has either online access or print copies of a specific magazine or journal, use Journal Finder on the library's main page.
These databases are multidisciplinary and cover many subjects.
Broad database with articles on many topics from scholarly journals and magazines. Full text for many articles and books.
These resources will help you keep up with what's happening in Higher Education.